Frank Schinzel
Scientist National Radio Astronomy Observatory / Adjunct Professor University of New Mexico


I am Frank Schinzel, Scientist at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, where I am currently leading the Very Large Array/Very Long Baseline Array Science User Support Group. I am also Adjunct Professor at University of New Mexico.

I have a broad range of research interests that include: relativistic outflows from super massive black holes, the connection between radio and gamma-ray skies, finding creative ways to make use of current and upcoming sky surveys, and developing new techniques in calibration, imaging, or observations. I also have a specific interests in polarimetric observations of the radio sky and improving our knowledge of on-sky calibrator sources to enable accurate full-polarization calibration. I am also involved in radio astronomy instrumentation across all wavelengths, especially with interferometers at all scales. For broader scientific and societal impacts I focus on spectrum management at the national and international level.


Program DirectorNational Science Foundation2024 -
ScientistNational Radio Astronomy Observatory2023 -
Adjunct Professor Physics & AstronomyUniversity of New Mexico2016 -
VLA/VLBA Scientific User Support Group LeadNational Radio Astronomy Observatory2020 - 2024
Assocate ScientistNational Radio Astronomy Observatory2020 - 2023
Assistant ScientistNational Radio Astronomy Observatory2016 - 2020
Staff ScientistLWA1 Radio Observatory2012 - 2016
Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of New Mexico, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy2011 - 2016
AstrophysicsMax Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy / University of Cologne2011 Doktor der Naturwissenschaften
Physics & AstronomyUniversity of New Mexico2008 Master of Science (with Thesis)
PhysicsBayerische Julius-Maximillians-Universitaet Wuerzburg2005 Vordiplom Physik

Professional Memberships & External Committees

  • Member of the Committee on Radio Frequencies (CORF) of the Division on Engineering and Physical Science of the National Academy of Sciences (2019 – 2024)
  • Member of U.S. Delegation to ITU-R WP-7D (2021-)
  • Affiliated Scientist with the Fermi/Large Area Telescope collaboration (2016 -)
  • Membership of professional organizations: USNC-URSI, American Physical Society, American Astronomical Society / High Energy Astrophysics Division, International Astronomical Union

Research Grants, Fellowships, & Awards

2022-2023P.I. NASA Fermi Guest Investigator cycle 15
"Revealing a missing population of gamma-ray pulsars"
2019-2021P.I. NASA Chandra Cycle 21
"The X-ray Tail of PSR J0002+6216"
2019-2021P.I. Student Observer Support 2019B
"A Parallax for PSR J0002+6216"
2019-2020P.I. NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grant cycle 12
"Steep Spectrum Radio Sources Toward Fermi Unassociated Fields"
2018-2019P.I. NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grant cycle 11
"Enhancing the value of the Fermi/LAT Fourth Source Catalog through a dedicated radio survey with the VLA and VLBA"
2015-2016P.I. NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grant cycle 8
"The Population of Steady Gamma-ray emitters among Fermi-LAT unassociated sources"
2014-2015P.I. NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grant cycle 7
"A new population of gamma-ray emitters among Fermi-LAT unassociated sources"
2012-2014Co-I NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grant cycle 5
"Unveiling Unassociated Fermi-LAT Sources with a deep EVLA/VLBA survey"
2011-2015Co-I NSF grant
"Science with LWA1"
2011-2014Co-I NSF grant
"Large Aperture Experiment to Detect the Dark Age"
2011-2012Co-I NASA Fermi Guest Investigator grant cycle 4
"Exploring the Parsec-Scale Environments of Fermi AGN"
2010Travel Grants: IAU Symposium 275: "Jets at all Scales", ISEB student 38th GA of COSPAR
2008-2011Fellow of the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics
2006-2007Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)